Dautarai Manor

Dvaro g. 15, Dautarai, Mažeikių r., Lithuania
Lng: 22.0142408 , Lat: 56.3861691

Contact person: Gražina Juknevičienė
Phone: +37068779400 , +37068618679 / g.jukneviciene@gmail.com
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Dautarai manor (the name comes from "a lot" and "talking") is on the border of Samogitia and Lithuania. It is believed that the first owners of the wooden manor (13th-14th c.) were Dautarus - that is where the name of Dautarai area comes from. Since the 13th century, the Dautarai Manor was also a defensive post. The soldiers of the Order came attacking through river Venta and its left tributary entrance Varduva. The interwar mansion was dominated by Stolypin's daughter Marie von Bok with her husband. Until this day, 19th century German-style manor house with several other buildings has remained standing.

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Visiting by appointment. 

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